Busy and Successful Coombe Cellars Work Party
Published 15:39 on 2 Nov 2024
Well over thirty members turned up to help at today's Autumn work party despite the sharp North Easterly wind. Members were split into several groups by our organiser John Ewbank, with teams being dispatched to clear the ditches on the road, clear out the boat store gutters and roof , weed and clean the paved areas etc.
The largest team was assigned to bring our extensive hedge under control. Various members tackled the undergrowth and hedge with power tools while other members lopped the fallen branches and yet more members carted the foliage off to the edges of the site.
This session was followed by a well earned tea break with very welcome teas, coffees and cakes being provided by Catherine Ewbank.
After a good natter, work resumed and the whole of the edge of the site was finally bought under control.
Loads of effort was put into the tasks today but special mention has to be made for Richard Bryant who volunteered to clear out the sump of the road drain.
The job was as messy as it looks and very, very, smelly !
Last updated 17:46 on 23 November 2024