Safety Boat Training - Huge Success
Published 18:38 on 9 Dec 2023
Safety Boat Training - Huge Success
Nineteen members attend 2 hour training session
Hugely encouraging to see so many of our safety boat drivers and crews attend this shore based training session. Chief Powerboat Instructor, Andy Colyer, led the event supported by Vic Weston and Richard Bryant.
This year we have experienced a couple of near-miss events in adverse weather conditions which have led to some serious rescues involving both experienced and less experienced dinghy racers. As dinghy sailors we all need to be aware that it is all too easy to get caught out by rapidly changing weather patterns. What starts out as a calm and benign day can change rapidly particularly in autumn and winter months. In most cases our safety boat cover is adequate but on occasion we have allowed the RIB to be manned by just one person, the driver. Whilst on a nice calm summer day with just a few sailors out this might be okay. But in the winter months when it is cold those nice crisp mornings can suddenly turn and we're dealing with 25+ knots of wind, gusts of 35+ and a river that is constantly flowing. Right now there's an awful lot of water coming downstream from the moors and even on a rising tide the river flow is never slack but always heading seaward.
Two incidents this year highlighted the need for us to tighten up on our safety boat protocol and the equipment we use. Hence these shore based training days to run through the preparations we need to make before going afloat and the techniques to be employed in rescuing those that have capsized. This will be followed up with practical on the water sessions in early 2024.
At this weekends session Richard Bryant opened proceedings recounting his capsize and rescue experience.
At our next session (December 23rd) Tim Martin, one of our most experienced Solo sailors will tell of his experience when he not just capsized but became well and truly detached from his boat. Click here to book your place on Dec 23
It can be a harrowing experience for both sailor and the folk involved rescuing said sailor so please take up these training opportunities as and when we run them. It will help ensure nobody comes to harm in the sport we all love so much. We encourage dinghy sailors without powerboat experience to attend as well as you may well learn a thing or two about recovery of a capsized dinghy and how you control your dinghy while under tow.
As of now the policy for all club organised events, be that dinghy racing, safe-Sunday events, Friday evening Social Sails etc is:
Signed: Mike Commander, Commodore

Last updated 16:58 on 14 July 2024